Kevin’s Visit, Hella Apple Pie, and Being Lost with Lost
As he sometimes does, last night Kevin was back in town for business (he works over at Pandora, along with Peabe). He was out with coworkers for the start of the evening, and showed up around 9:30 at Justin’s apartment.
Stuart, who I met a few times before, was hanging out with Justin prior to, watching the latest episode of Lost. After Liz and I showed up, we were quickly joined by Kevin and a few of his coworkers: Joey, Heather and Sarah.
Liz brought over an apple pie to share. This pie comes from the annual Apple Pie Making Day in Frankfort, and has been in our freezer since last Fall (still delicious, btw).
Some of Justin’s sketches and drawings, based on his theories of what’s happening with Lost.
Folks gathering around the kitchen table, discussing Lost. L to R it’s Justin, Kevin, Sarah, Stuart and Joey. Didn’t get a photo of Heather that wasn’t blurry.
Like us, Joey wasn’t familiar at all with Lost. Liz and I have seen one episode (the pilot), but just never settled in for the long haul of getting up to speed. I think we’d both like it immensely and, in fact, we both know for sure that we’d like it immensely. But there hasn’t been the willingness there, to let ourselves get sucked in.
I’ve been down for it in the past, and many of the early seasons are available via Netflix streaming. But I haven’t been able to convince Liz to agree to start watching, and so we haven’t.
It was interesting to hear animated conversation about something we weren’t familiar with. Confusing for sure, but the mind struggles to make sense of the different things being tossed about… and tries to set some kind of logic or backstory. Trying to fill in the gaps while others talk about Lost is an odd sensation. I wonder if Chris feels the same way, when he’s doing his Outsider’s Guide to Lost’s Last Season.
Eventually, we all moved over to the main living room and settled in to chat. The conversations were really great, and we hit on things ranging from Twilight Zone episodes and the use of the word Hella. Sarah and Stuart (who worked for a number of years as a researcher/writer for Wired) got into some neat talks about the state of publishing, and questions about the fate of journalists. Towards the end of the night, we got talking about Facebook privacy issues, which was also a pretty fun conversation.
For as brief a time as it was, I had a great time chatting with everyone. It was getting late, and I literally had to pull myself away from all the topics and discussion. I honestly felt like I could have stuck around for another few glasses of wine, and easily stayed up until 3 or 4 just talking with everyone.
It’s been a while since I’ve seen Kevin. Last time he was in town was for my Bachelor Party, nearly a year ago. It was good to get caught up a little bit and to chat, even if it was a brief visit.
Bachelor Party, Part 1: A Song 12 Years in the Making
Old Trees, Old Friends
Apple Pie and Fancy Gadgetry
Making Apple Pies, Frankfort, IL
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