Logan Square Farmers Market, First Day, 2010

After breakfast at our favorite place (Lula’s), Liz and I headed over to check out the first official day of the Logan Square Farmers Market.

Near the Milwaukee/Logan corner, looking East.

The morning was pretty much perfect – lots of sun, and a constant breeze. Though the market officially opens at 10AM, there were already a lot of folks wandering up and down the booths before then.

There were way more booths this year. Just walking around, you could see more vendors were present, and setting up their shops.

Strawberries. The guy was encouraging everyone to grab a strawberry and try a sample.

Some bunches of asparagus… possibly for a soup later.

Liz picked up some rhubarb, but I’m not exactly sure what she’s planning on making with it. I haven’t really had much rhubarb, so I’m not even sure what this tastes like.

Maybe Liz will use Ben’s mother’s recipe for rhubarb pie.

We got a lot of stuff from Lyons Fruit Farm and Greenhouse. Wish they had a site I could link to, but… I guess a photo of their sign will have to do.

This year, the booths spilled out past where the market borders from last year. Further east, some additional vendors had set up in the grassy area adjacement to the blacktop.

Everywhere I looked, people had all sorts of things sticking out of bags and backpacks.

We doubled back to the main area. This is facing West, with the Milwaukee/Logan corner ahead.

Lots of micro greens. They were selling shots of wheat grass juice too.

No ants!

We bought some flowers from Noffke Family farms. Again, I’d like to a web site but couldn’t track one down.

Further east, past the edge of the market, lots of local folks set up their own areas. The lawn on the main strip of Logan Boulevard ends up being used frequently by people having their own little yard sales.

On the days when the Farmers Market is in full swing, even more folks than normal set up shop, hoping to catch the foot traffic coming through the area.

Two awesome sets of graduation photos.

Back home, with the peonies starting to open up.

Our little kitchen table area, complete with fruit and some flowers Liz got last week.

Life is… a bowl of strawberries!

Logan Square Farmers Market, 2008

This Post Has 1 Comment

  1. Love that last photo of strawberries. Yummy time!

    Ben Reply

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