Documentary on LaPorte, Indiana: Upcoming Screenings

For Jason Bitner (Found Magazine, Cassette From My Ex), it all began with the discovery of 18,000 photographs in the back of a local diner in LaPorte, Indiana. From there, he not only published a book… but he also successfully raised over $12,000 to fund a documentary film, focusing on LaPorte.

And here’s a little bit of info: the editor that Jason’s working with, Joe Beshenkovsky, won an Emmy last year for his work on an episode of This American Life. Nice!

The film premiers at a festival in Indianapolis, at the Museum of Art. And there are a few screenings in (of course) LaPorte, Indiana as well. I’m sure more dates will crop up, so visit the film’s website for up-to-date info and future screening times.

+ Festival Premiere! +
LaPorte, Indiana at the Indianapolis Film Festival!
Saturday, July 17, 2010 at 12:00pm
Thursday, July 22, 2010 at 3:00pm
Indianapolis Museum of Art, 4000 Michigan Road, Indianapolis

+ First public screening! +
Thursday, July 15, 2010 at 7:30pm
LaPorte Cinema: 608 Colfax Ave, LaPorte Indiana
Tickets will be available beginning July 9th at B+J’s American Cafe in LaPorte.
(For out-of-towners wishing to join, please email us and we’ll do our best to reserve a spot for you.)

+ Friends and family premiere! +
Wednesday, July 14, 2010 at 7:30pm
LaPorte Cinema: 608 Colfax Ave, LaPorte Indiana
(invites to be sent out shortly)

LaPorte, Indiana: Intuit Gallery
Documentary on LaPorte, Indiana
Found Magazine + PostSecret: Intuit Gallery
Dirty Found (Not So Safe for Work)
I’m in a Book! Cassette From My Ex: Stories and Soundtracks of Lost Loves

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Man, this looks fantastic. As soon as you hear about it coming to Chicago, let me know!

    Chris Reply

  2. I will definitely spread the word when it comes to Chicago. As a backer on Kickstarter… I’m not sure if I’ll be among the folks who get tickets for the LaPorte screenings… but if I do, I’ll be tempted to make the trek out there.

    avoision Reply

  3. Yes, i would be tempted to go see it in Indy. hMMMM

    Ben Reply

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