Rob Funderburk’s Rookery Building Print

Rookery Building in downtown Chicago, painted by my friend Rob. He recently finished up a printing run, and now has prints available for purchase online at his new storefront:

Of interest: he’s got a lot of photographs documenting his process. There are actually a lot of different layers at work:

Referring to photos and location studies, I drew what would become each separate color with black paint on a clear sheet of film laid directly on top of each preceding stage after printing. The result is a series that captures the drawing experience very directly, including discoveries along the way and very little revision or redirection of efforts.

Rob is an incredibly talented artist, and even when I’ve just see him doodling on a piece of paper… it looks amazing. You can keep tabs on Rob via his blog, or keep an eye out for more work for purchase at his storefront.

Moving Rob, Part 1: Rob’s New Studio
Moving Rob, Part 1: Such Great Heights
Moving Rob, Part 1: New Studio
Moving Rob, Part 2
Moving Rob, Part 3
This is Everything Rob Threw Away

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