I :heart: Working Out

It’s never a good thing when your trainer utters the words Holy shit.

Remember how I wasn’t feeling well, during my last workout? Well this morning, Lorenzo put a heart rate monitor on me (the kind that straps around your chest, and sends data to a watch on your wrist). Lorenzo had a second watch that he synced with my monitor, so that he could see what was going on.

I did my normal jogging for 5 minutes before starting, and we set off to the “bat cave” to do some exercises (the term refers to the area by the rock climbing wall, which casts a large shadow over the section). There, we did some basic stuff – a few crunches, a few lunges, jumping jacks, and I did a little weight on a machine back there.

Turns out, my heart rate is normally at 120 – 125. Normal, apparently, is around 70. Yikes.

When we were doing pretty basic stuff (functional movements), my heart rate got up to around 150 – 160. At its peak, I saw it hit 170.

Lorenzo was concerned by this. So much so that he asked me to go visit my doctor, and to tell him about my heart rate, and how my heart doesn’t seem to be recovering as quickly as it should. I’m technically not supposed to work out until I get the word from my doctor.

Lorenzo told me he could probably get my heart up to 200 easily, if he wanted to. And as he was shaking his head, he told me he couldn’t imagine what my heart rate was like the last time we worked out.

So… off to the doc, and to find out what’s up. There’s a chance something’s wrong, but there’s also a chance that I’m just really out of shape. Lorenzo said that if the doc gives the thumbs up, he’ll continue to kick my ass… but wanted to play things safe for now.

It’s odd that I’m actually bummed about not being able to get back to the gym. I’m trying to slowly develop a good routine, where working out is just something I do – like washing the dishes. The idea of not being able to resume workouts is a little… depressing, I guess. Don’t get me wrong – I dislike the workouts, and I dislike the ache afterwards. But I don’t want to lose my momentum. The idea of not working out makes me feel like I’m losing the past two weeks of effort (even though that’s not true).

Guess I know what song I’m adding to my playlist, on the way to work.

Pro: I no longer feel as wimpy, finding out this information.
Con: This information may end up being a heart condition.

Let’s just hope I’m really, really out of shape. Fingers crossed.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Interesting tidbit: Lorenzo was in the military, and was trained as a sniper. We talked a bit about breathing, and how important it is. He was telling me a bit about how he had to train himself to get calm quickly (snipers are supposed to have their heart rates at 130 or below, before they can take a shot).When I asked him more about his training, he told me about drills where they created a stressful situation – using live rounds and mortars… with him needing to stay focused and calm the whole time.

    avoision Reply

  2. My ticker runs fast too, but it also recovers fairly quickly. I got a heart rate monitor with a wristband readout–one used by the Finnish Olympic team or something–and I got to where I can kind of tell how fast it’s beating by how it feels. I haven’t gotten it much higher than 170, but I don’t feel like a work out is really good unless I hit 160. I kind of aim for 155 to 165.I think the geek in you would enjoy a fancy heart rate monitor. Mine syncs to my computer and I can either watch my heart rate live on the monitor (awesome, but not so good for outdoorsy things) or I can upload my stats to my computer and monitor them over time for trends. DATA is FUN! I use a Suunto T3. But it’s kind of old now.I’ve also had a crazy expensive echocardiogram, and they told me my heart is a-okay. I’ve got a little dog ear flutter, but the heart is nice and pretty. The mitral valve prolapse I always thought I had was a misdiagnosis. I just have an awesome, unique heartbeat.And I’ve had two doctors make kind of pornographic oohing and ahhing sounds as they reviewed my blood work. One told me that barring alcoholism and catastrophic car accidents, I could expect to see 90 based on my blood work. Another was clearly surprised that my beautiful blood belongs to my lumpy body. Whatever.Here’s hoping you’re just fine. The more your body gets used to it, the better you’ll feel. If you feel like you’re gonna throw up, slow it down a bit. That’s my rule.

    Jesseca Reply

  3. Went to the doctor on Friday, and got hooked up to an EKG. My “resting heart rate” at the gym involved running for a bit, beforehand. When my doctor took my pulse again while in his office, it registered at 80 (as opposed to 125-130).He didn’t think there was any cause for concern, and used the word “de-conditioned,” which I’ll assume is just a polite way of saying “out of shape.” He did suggest I take things gradually, and I’m inclined to agree. I’m still expecting to get my ass kicked, but maybe at a slightly slower pace than before.Jesseca – I may still end up investing in a monitor, just to make sure I don’t go above 190. And you’re right – I’m imagining all the things I could do with that workout data now…It’s weird – I’m glad that I’m out of shape (and it’s not anything worse), and I’m also glad to be able to go back to the gym. Being happy about those two things is a little… odd.

    avoision Reply

  4. I love that “de-conditioned” is a polite way of saying “out of shape.” Hilarious! Glad that you’re okay, though.

    Marty J. Reply

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