Quincy and Tus Meet For The First Time

On Friday Jake came over to our place for dinner (and Tus was along, of course). After we had eaten, we noticed that Baxter and Quincy seemed to be a little less freaked out by a dog in the area. Quincy seemed pretty nonchalant about everything, actually.

And so we devised a test. Jake would hold Tus, and we would open up the gate to see if the rabbits would come out. Baxter ended up hiding (which we expected). But then Quincy…

After a while, Jake let Tus run off and things got a little hectic. Tus started playing a bit too aggressively, and I think Quincy freaked out a little – trying to run away, but Tus always there to cut him off.

Jake held on to Tus, and Quincy eventually calmed down a bit more. Here, Quincy seems to be holding his own…

And… a little too close for his comfort. According to Jake, Tus has always been pretty docile around other animals (Tus has been around tiny kittens before, with no problems). But something about Quincy or the rabbits made him a little more aggressive than normal.

Tus, after the playtime is over, stayed here staring intently for a while. Watching… always watching.

Tus the Dog: What’s Yours is Ours
A Day on Norfork Lake

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