Goodbye Sarah: Peanut Butter Jelly Time 4.0

After two years here at Emmis Interactive, Sarah is leaving us to return to school. Like Margaret’s goodbye, it’s a sad occassion… but a good purpose.

For her send off, we decided to hold one of our traditional Peanut Butter Jelly days. For those who have been following this blog for a while, you’re probably familiar with the ritual (we’ve had three so far). But here’s a little recap I wrote:

The traditional PB&J party is something that’s been with Emmis Interactive since the start. When we were a much smaller group, housed inside the Q101 studios… we were all excited by the prospect of a Potbelly’s store opening up in the Merchandise Mart Food Court (this was circa 2004). We were surprised to find that one of the sandwiches offered was a PB&J, but it clocked in at a whopping $5.

From there we all talked about how much easier it would be to actually make the sandwich ourselves, and soon after… we held our very first PB&J party.

Here’s how it goes:

1) Emmis Interactive will provide all the bread, peanut butter and milk for the event.
2) Each person is encouraged to bring in some additional condiment: jelly, jam, bananas. Get creative here!
3) We all shake violently from the sugar rush for about an hour, before crashing into a horrible drowsiness around 3PM.

The key to discovering the perfect new PB&J sandwich comes from all the extra ingredients others bring in. In the past, we’ve had PB&J sandwiches made out of pancakes and Eggo waffles, marshmallows, trail mix, sausage links, McDonald’s fries. We’ve used the George Foreman grill as a toasting device, and topped our sandwiches with all manner of cookies and breakfast cereals. On the more unusual side, we’ve had homemade chutney, onion parsley peanut butter, and bean sprouts.

The goal here is to bring in something unusual, and to see what others might make out of all the ingredients. And of course, if you’d prefer to have just a regular PB&J sandwich, well… that’s fine too.

Massive amounts of (Wonder) bread and peanut butter.

Justin S went all out and made some Rice Krispie treats, but using Reese’s Peanut Butter cereal. Thematic AND delicious!

The long line of add-ons.

We had the usual suspects – chocolate chips, cookies, potato chips, fig newtons…

You’ve got all your major food groups here: fruit, bread, raisins, chocolate covered pretzels…

Laurence, showing off an impressive plan for creating his triple stack sandwich.

Man, that’s a big bite. Reminds me of the Thurman Burger.

My Eggo Waffles, heating up…

Jen, with a very orange-y invention.

View of the room.

Brian’s impressive two selections – the Hershey’s syrup on top of chocolate is inspired.

Justin S, making sure he gets his Fig Newton and Doritos quota for the week.

Sarah, getting all fancy with her sandwich by employing a dinosaur mold.

Double dinosaur! What does it mean?

Why do I imagine these floating in a small lake of milk?

Sarah, contemplating whether to hug or eat her dino sandwich.

My traditional Eggo PB&J with bananas and sausage. And that thing at the top is half a jelly donut, peanut butter, and some Pringles.

Marcel, who informed the rest of us that no one in the Netherlands “mixes” peanut butter and jelly. He ate his slices separately, and told us we were all “gross.”

This speaks to the kind of person Sarah is: at her going away party, she brought the rest of US a gift! Thanks to her, we have a copy of Karaoke Revolution for the office Wii (complete with a mic, too).

Goodbye, Sarah. Best of luck in school and come back to visit!

Karaoke Overload, Holiday Party 2008
The original PB&J Event
Peanut Butter Jelly Time, 2.0
Chris uses the George Forman Grill
Peanut Butter Jelly Time, 3.0

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