Flipping Out: Emmis Interactive Pinball Tournament
A week or so ago, Ben sent out a company-wide email announcing the latest Emmis Interactive contest: Flipping Out (Search for the Next Pinball Wizard). Like so many of our other office tournaments (The Pingmaster and Rock, Paper, Scissor), this one would also be set up bracket/elimination style. And, of course, it would come with its own custom trophy for the ultimate champion.
We actually have a pinball machine in the office. Or, more specifically, Chris has a pinball machine that he keeps in the office.
Down the hallway from our main entrance, there’s a side area that we refer to as the “Annex.” We got the space a while back with plans to expand, but for now we’ve used it to store extra equipment, furniture, and even to host a few meetings.
Today’s event was more of a warm-up, and to get people to play a few rounds. Before the tournament begins, we need to seed everyone… so the best score out of three games determines where you’ll rank in the brackets.
Brian, TJ, Chris and Justin S, checking out the pinball room.
Yes, the Star Trek background is still up on the wall. I actually think it makes the room feel a little more arcade-like.
Mike, taking his turn.
Chris trying for an extra ball, while Ben observes.
Justin S on the machine.
Chris Buys a Comet Pinball Machine
Visiting Nickel City Arcade, Family Entertainment Center
Star Trek in the Office
Pinball Expo, 2009
Pinball Expo, 2007
The Pingmaster Trophy: Final Ping Pong Game
Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament: Final Battle, AJ vs. Eddie
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