Florence + the Machine: Kiss With A Fist

I’m probably super late on this train, but I’ve recently been listening a lot to Florence + the Machine. The vocals are incredibly powerful and at times overpowering, but I find myself continuing to listen despite this.

It’s weird – I like songs like Dog Days Are Over and Rabbit Heart (but don’t really care for either video). But I don’t like those songs all the way through – I’m mostly sticking around for the hook (Dog Days at 1:00, Rabbit Heart at 0:50). Strange that I’m ok with pushing through parts of a song I don’t like all that much, for parts that I do like later on.

The video (above) is for their song Kiss With a Fist, which I actually like all the way through. Volume is super low, but still worthwhile. If you’re interested in seeing them live, check out this performance they did on David Letterman.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. I LOVE Florence & The Machine!!! Sigh. She makes me so happy.

    Marty J. Reply

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