Month at the Museum: What Were All Those Photos in My Video?

On my lunch break today, I decided to do a quick update. I’m getting a good number of new visitors to these parts (thanks to the Month at the Museum contest), and many folks might not have recognized certain screenshots from my museum video.

So I thought a little recap was in order. First off, here’s my video again:

0:05 – This photo wasn’t officially on my blog, but was taken by a photographer shortly before I left to go get married. Yes, that’s right… I updated my blog on my wedding day.

If you’re interested in seeing how things turned out, I have a few photos from the day posted. And if you’re interested in how I proposed, you can find out about that, too.

At the time of the video, I was at 6720 blog posts. I’m now at 6782.

0:12 – This photo is from when my company (Emmis Interactive) used to work at the Merchandise Mart, inside the Q101/Loop studios. We were a much smaller company back then, and crazy stuff like this would happen all the time. I once saw a crocodile in the studio, and also got meet Mr. T.

We were at the Mart until 2007, when we moved to our current digs at State and Jackson.

0:13 – This image was from the 2009 Northern Illinois Alpaca Extravaganza. It is pretty much everything you imagine it would be, and more.

0:14 – This photo was from National Clown Week, 2007, where a lot of clowns gathered at Woodlawn Cemetery in Forest Park.

Why a cemetery, you ask? Well it’s where the Showmen’s Rest memorial is located.

0:18 – That photo where I’m sleeping? My lovely wife Liz captured that little gem while I was zonked out. A month or two later, she did the same thing again (but got video of me snoring).

So you know… I snore a lot. It’s bad. Seriously. Bad to the point where I went to an overnight
sleep study at Northwestern, ended up being diagnosed with sleep apnea, and now sleep with a CPAP machine.

0:36 – Last year, I had the good fortune to be included in a book called Cassette From My Ex, where we were asked to pick out a cassette mix tape that someone had given us, and talk about why we hadn’t throw it away. This was the brainchild of friend Jason Bitner, who’s done some really cool projects (notably, Found Magazine and lately, a documentary about La Porte, Indiana).

0:36 – This is a photo, taken by Thorsten Bösch, during a talk I gave during Chicago’s Pecha Kucha #9.

For those not familiar with Pecha Kucha, it’s a presentation format where speakers are given 20 slides, 20 seconds each. Every PK talk is exactly 6 minute and forty seconds long.

I had a blast doing my talk (my topic was repetition and variation), and dug it so much… I ended up writing a Guide to Making a Pecha Kucha Presentation.

If you’re curious to see my talk, you can view it here (I’ve also got a ginormous 119MB version here).

I really like Martyrs as a venue, and have given a few presentations there. About two weeks ago, I participated in 20×2 and made a video mashup using Twitter and Flickr.

And that’s it! Now you know all the details from the photos in my video!

This Post Has 1 Comment

  1. I laugh every time I see that picture of you sleeping on the couch. *Gold*

    Liz Reply

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