WarLight: Turn-Based Strategy Game of World Conquest

is an online variation on the classic Parker Brothers board game, Risk. Each player begins with a set number of territories, and a set number of troops (indicated by a number within the borders). The goal of the game is to systematically take over neighboring territories, until you have control over the entire world map.

Each turn, players are granted additional troops to deploy to any of their existing territories. The overall strategy is to grow as much as you can, while still having enough troops to defend your territories. The more countries you take over, the more troops you have to deploy at each turn.

If you are aggressive, you will have more territories (and more troops). But if you are spread too thin, you allow others the chance to take land away from you. If you employ a more defensive strategy, you expose yourself less… but also end up having less troops to work with, each turn.

Suffice it to say, this is a game where playing solely a defensive strategy will only delay the inevitable.

I lost countless hours playing Risk in college (usually with my roommate Jim). And I only decided to write a post about this game after checking out the link and getting utterly sucked in.

So far, I’ve only gotten to Level 2, Single Player. I’m a little afraid of the multiplayer.

[via MetaFilter]

PS: If you like this sort of game, also check out DiceWars. And for a non-military themed game based on numbers and odds, try Zilch.

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