Emmis Interactive Goes to the Movies

On Friday afternoon, our office got to take a field trip for a few hours. The Social Network was a movie that had been discussed a lot at work, and Rey decided we should all go see it together.

So around 1:45PM, we all headed downstairs to travel en masse to the movies.

Waiting at the Jackson Red Line stop.

Spotted this guy while we were going heading to the movie theater. I think Rey was standing nearby.

Walking down Randolph

The movie’s about to start! We technically only had the first two rows reserved, but the place was crazy empty. Every spread out and we basically took over the entire theater.

As far as I can tell, there was only one guy (who came in 5 minutes before the movie started) who wasn’t from Emmis Interactive.

It was a pretty Hollywood-ized take on tech, but pretty entertaining to watch. There were a few cringe-worthy moments (like when someone oohed and ahhed about 20,000 hits in an hour… as though regular people actually care about stuff like that). But on the whole, a fun way to spend Friday afternoon.

It felt good to do something non-work related with my coworkers. Since the move a few years ago, a lot of the newer folks at work never got to experience some of the a-typical stuff that used to go on in our offices.

It felt nice, and a bit like the old days. In a way, it was a little like we were settling in to the Fall, preparing for the cold and the holidays to come. Great way to end the week.

This Post Has 1 Comment

  1. Hey, more and more “regular people” do know about hits per hour!

    juliet Reply

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