Making the EGOT Necklace (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, Tony)

Gretchen and Rob invited us over to join some folks in watching the Mark Twain Prize. The latest recipient was Tina Fey, and so Liz and I decided to add to the 30 Rock theme by making some EGOT necklaces.

The term EGOT is from 30 Rock, where Tracy Morgan’s character gets a ridiculously expensive necklace that represents his life’s ambition: to get an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony. And wow – if Wikipedia is to be believed, the acronym was originally invented by actor Philip Michael Thomas. Who knew?

First, I made a printout in Photoshop, which Liz then cut out.

The cutout was then placed on some cardboard Liz had painted black (using leftover paint from the Robot Halloween Costume).Then, some glitter glue was gently applied using Q-tips.

And actual glitter was added…

After that, we created the borders above and below the text. It called for steady hands and nerves.

The finshed product! The gold chain means that it’s classy.

Liz, sporting her EGOT. I gave the other one to Gretchen and somewhere, there’s a photo of the two of them sporting their necklaces.

And as an additional party favor, we brought over some mason jars and filled them with Crystal Light. Not sure if others got the reference, but it looked pretty funny.

This Post Has 1 Comment

  1. So excellent.

    Chris Reply

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