Friends and Upcoming Projects
I work with some pretty amazing folks. In addition to the fine work they do in the office, most everyone else on the Design Team has their own side projects a-bubbling.
Yesterday, both Brian and Justin S received some cool materials related to projects they’re each working on.
In addition to being a great writer, Brian also takes some great photographs. He’s planning on making prints of his images available on his site, and had just received a few samples in the mail.
The photo he’s holding up is one of many great photos he took, while visiting Bogotá recently.
Justin S has been hard at work on a side project called The Shycog Co., an apparel company that he’s planning on launching very soon. He had just gotten a few shirts in the mail, and brought some in to work.
I’m not 100%, but I think these were made by the same vendor that TJ and Pauluse for their company, Ript Apparel.
I’m consistently in awe at the talented people I get to work with, and the folks I feel fortunate enough to call my friends. Lots of great stuff, coming soon…
Interactive Holiday Dinner, 2005
Yet Another Reason Why I Love My Coworkers
I too love the inspiration in everyone I am surrounded with! Thanks for the feature Felix! You are correct I used Mammoth Printshop which is the same as RIPT Apparel. Their quality is top notch! :)
Justin Siddons (February 24, 2011 at 1:51 pm)