Before I Die: Public Chalkboard Installation
Before I Die is a thought-provoking public installation by artist Candy Chang. A wall is turned into a giant chalkboard, and people are invited to finish the sentence that begins with Before I die I want to _________.
The image shows the public installation in New Orleans, but a gallery installation took place earlier in the year in Dallas-Forth Worth, Texas. A really simple and reflective project.
Chang has a LOT of other projects, and is also a part of an organization called Civic Center (which looks pretty neat).
[via Ektopia]
Dead Advice
Dead Advice, Project Launch
You Are I Am, Flash Project
You Are I Am, Project Info
My Pecha Kucha Talk: Repetition And Variation
This is super cool! I love interactive art, as well as simple concepts. One of my favorite art projects from the last ten years is PostSecret, which to this day I read every Sunday. : O )
Marty J. Christopher (March 14, 2011 at 5:22 pm)