Post-Work Poker, and a New Lord and Master

We had our company’s quarterly meeting today, and since we had a lot of out of towners actually in town… we scheduled another Texas Holdem game after work.

I walked into the conference room a little past 6PM, and saw we had a few beverages lined up along the wall. Guess we had some leftovers from our last holiday party.

Mike came totally prepared, with printouts listing the hands (for the newer folks), a breakdown of the blind structure… and each person’s chips already measured out in ziplock bags. How’s that for efficiency?

We had a total of 10 players, so there were two tables. We’d play until we were down to 8, and then combine.

L to R it’s Deb, Paul, Rey, Chris and Kevin.

I was at the other end, playing with a few of the veterans. L to R it’s AJ, Tim, Mike (who was the current stein-holder) and Brian.

There was an awesome discovery by Tim: using a dry erase marker on the table left no marks. Folks quickly began making little bet lines.

We’ve done this a few times now, and it’s quickly turning into a tradition: Chris, pouring shots of tequila for everyone.

The players, combined into one table.

Rey and Brian both got knocked out early. Mike ended up having to leave earlier than expected and had to bow out. I was the next one out, after calling an all-in by Paul. I had Ace Jack, and I think he had Jack Five (or something like that). He had paired his lower card already… and I was dead to an Ace. No love on the Turn or River, so that was the end for me.

I am happy to report, though, that Paul ultimately stuck through and won The Lord and Master Stein back for the Design Team! It’s been a long while since it’s been with us, and the Affiliate Support team has held onto that guy for an incredible chunk of time (AJ in particular). However… I’m glad it’s back home where it belongs.

Congatulations, Paul!

The Lord and Master Stein
Post-Work Poker, 2010

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. The final two hands were pretty fun. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the hollaring when I snatched up that flush to beat Deb, and the subsequent dance in the kitchen I did.

    Paul Reply

  2. Thank you, paul, for finally getting the stein back into the hands of the design team. WOOT!

    Ben Reply

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