Gaka: Japanese Music Video With Actor-Generated Special Effects
Gaka, a 16-piece band from Japan recently shot a music video for their song Tsuchinoko. Created by rakudasan, all the special effects are achieved through the actors, themselves.
I’m not so crazy about the music, but the energy and silliness are pretty awesome. I definitely had a few genuine LOLs while watching this.
[via BoingBoing]
Awesome Music Video Created By Fans And Webcams: “Hibi No Neiro” By Sour
Photos Of A Pop Singer’s Abandoned House, Japan
Weird, I just saw this a second ago on Videosift.
TS7 (March 28, 2011 at 6:37 pm)jjapanese noise(music) are the best.
imin (April 2, 2011 at 8:03 am)