Leslie’s Graduation Party and a Remarkable Resilient Pinata

Today, Leslie graduated from UIC with a Masters in Nutrition. Lots of folks showed up at her parents’ house, to help celebrate. Since the event itself was on May 5th, the party had a Cinco de Mayo theme to it.

Of course, I didn’t get a photo of her wearing her gown. And didn’t get to capture shots of all the great food available. But I did capture some of the pinata action that took place.

Downstairs, all the kids were gathered in anticipation of some candy.

There was some gentle and persistent tapping at first…

A few more vigorous attempts…

And some of the adults got in on the action. Leslie, recent graduate, taking a few swings.

The pinata was surprisingly… resilient. Check it out:

A very fun and celebratory evening. And with candy (eventually). Congratulations, Leslie!

Happy Birthday, Ben!
Happy (Surprise) Birthday, Chris!

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