Katie’s Pinning Ceremony, Ivy Tech School of Nursing
For the past two years, Katie has been attending Ivy Tech and working on earning her Nurse’s degree. Lots of hours of studying, clinicals, and preparing for exams during that time. While her official graduation ceremony is on Saturday, several of us went to attend her “pinning” ceremony on Friday, in Valparaiso, IN.
A view of the auditorium. We got some seats right in the front row, on the left.
A shot of the pins for all the graduates.
The newest class of nurses, on stage at the start of the ceremony.
Katie, receiving her pin. It was really interesting to watch the various graduates receive their pins. While the faculty were the primary people who did the pinning, several graduates had family members serve as the pinner. In several instances, mothers or daughters who were also nurses did the pinning.
The ceremony concluded with all of the graduates reciting the Nightingale Pledge.
Cameron, giving his mom some flowers.
Paige, also delivering some flowers to Katie.
Savannah, looking incredibly happy amidst a large sea of people.
We hung out a while after the ceremony, and eventually made our way over to Crown Point for dinner. We had reservations at a restaurant called Amore, and everyone gathered there for a post-ceremony meal.
Silly, but Cameron got some kind of monster sandwich. It was almost as big as his face, and I felt the need to document this. He put it away with no problems whatsoever.
Katie, receiving a few of her graduation gifts.
While the graduation process is completed, Katie still has a big exam coming up in about 6-8 weeks. She needs to pass her boards to become a “registered” nurse, and has still more studying to do in the weeks to come.
Congratulations, Katie!
Katie Participates In The Valpo Triathlon – Valparaiso, Indiana
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