Starting a New Diet

Liz and I have started on a new diet – something that her sister, Tricia, had done and recommended. Basically, it’s a bit like South Beach with a few modifications. No dairy, no sugars, no fruit and limited carbs. And, of course, no alcohol.

I’m now snacking on a lot of things, multiple times throughout the day. On average, I’m eating something small every two hours or so. For work yesterday, I had with me two hard boiled eggs (I don’t eat the yolks), two protein shakes, some raw broccoli and dip… and for lunch, I had brown rice, chicken and green beans.

All in all, it wasn’t a bad day. I wasn’t overly hungry, and haven’t been craving anything (yet). So we’ll see how well this goes. The kicker of it is is that the types of food we’ll be eating will be fairly repetitive: it’s a lot of the same stuff, over and over again. We’ve planned breaks for ourselves once a week, where we’ll go out somewhere on the weekend for brunch or a meal out. But beyond that, it’s a pretty hard core type of meal plan we’ve got in the works.

On top of the food, the plan is to exercise more frequently. I’ve dropped down to only hitting the gym once a week, and my cardio is nonexistent. Our goal is to up the gym visits, and to increase the cardio sessions as well. The idea of doing this last week sounded awful, so I’m glad we waited until now to begin. Hopefully the weather doesn’t get all crazy again.

This Post Has 1 Comment

  1. Hey, that sounds like a diet I went on (for other reasons). Mine was no sugar, no yeasts, no vinegar, no dairy, no dried spices, no cured meats, no alcohol. Which left fresh proteins, eggs, oils, some vegetables, and salt & pepper. It was tough at first, and eating out was pretty much impossible. But I lost 13 pounds in two months. The trick is to eat often. Guacamole, hummus, chick peas, and lentils became my best friends. Stick with it! You’ll see results for sure.

    juliet Reply

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