Glitch: Who Wants an Invite?

Anyone interested in roaming around and exploring the world of Glitch? I’ve written about the game previously while it was in Beta, and the doors are now officially open to the public.

Well… sorta. They’ve throttled signups, but existing players are able to invite up to 3 people via email.

Despite my not wanting to go through and level up my character all over again… I’m finding myself drawn back, a little bit at a time. It’s an addictive game, a quirky world, and there’s lot to discover.

And you can pet pigs, too. I mentioned that, right?

Glitch: Browser-Based Game Of Exploration And… Pig Petting
Glitch: Waiting For The World To End
Glitch: Rook Attack

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. I need a invite! Been waiting for Glitch’s email for so long.

    Belisario Reply

    • Luckily, I still have some left. Invite sent your way!

      avoision Reply

  2. Any chance you still have an invite left?

    SkivvyLivvy Reply

    • Sorry – I’ve given all mine away. You might try posting your request for invites on Twitter (make sure to include #glitch or @playglitch in your post). I responded to one or two random folks, asking for invites that way.

      Not sure when they reset the invites for people, but I just rechecked and I’m clean out. Not sure if they’re still requiring invites, but good luck getting an account!

      avoision Reply

  3. Hi all! I would love to play glitch, if you have an invite please send me one!

    Thank you :)

    Nicole Reply

    • Hi Nicole – I logged in to the game for the first time in months, and didn’t see that I had any new invites to give away. Sorry about that. I don’t play much anymore, but I’ll try to keep an eye out…

      avoision Reply

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