Thanksgiving in Frankfort

Setting up places, everyone gathering to the table. Paige got to her spot first.

A delicious bowl of vichyssoise, which we normally have here for Thanksgiving (fyi it was served hot).

As an aside, let me say that I didn’t know how to actually spell this word. But somehow Google was able to decipher my horrible attempt to phonetically type it out. Kind of amazing, actually.

A shot of Audrey, with Paige in the background. It must have been the way I caught her, because she really wasn’t this angry at all.

Post-dinner desert, with me sitting on the other side of the table (Paige had stolen my spot next to Liz).

Sebastian, resting his head on his hand. The word you’re looking for is: chillaxin’.

President Bartlet And The Butterball Hotline
Thanksgiving In Merrillville
Thanksgiving In Frankfort
Happy Thanksgiving From Texas

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