Gotye: State of the Art

I was looking around on Rdio for new music, and happened across an album by Gotye entitled Making Mirrors. One song in particular caught my ear: State of the Art.

The video itself is really well done (the illustrations remind me a bit of John Kricfalusi). The vocal effects on this song are… unique. Not sure how best to describe it. Maybe a bit like Röyksopp after huffing a bit of nitrous oxide?

When I was listening purely to the song, I wasn’t paying much attention to the lyrics. I focused mostly on the voice and the music, just not the words. After looking around and finding the official video to this song… I didn’t really pick up on the turn in the song. Watching the video, I was surprised how quickly things transitioned into its much darker, creepier ending.

My favorite moment: 2:55, when the staccatos kick in.

If you’re curious to hear more, you can check out many of his tracks free on Soundcloud. His other tracks are quite different from this one – this one is just… well, kind of a weird one.

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This Post Has 1 Comment

  1. This is rad. Had to share on my own blog, Thanks for the hat tip!

    Nico Reply

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