Where’s My Water?
Last weekend, I was in the mood for a new game for my iPad. I browsed around and downloaded Where’s My Water? (which made the Best of 2011 on jayisgames.com, in the Physics category). I was a bit hesitant at first, seeing that it was a Disney game and looked incredibly cartoonish (worried it was a game for kids). But after a few rounds, all that vanished. Long story short – best $0.99 I’ve ever spent!
The main character is an alligator named Swampy. He, apparently, likes to take showers/baths. A LOT. But the plumbing is pretty terrible where he lives, so it’s up to you to connect the water sources to his shower.
The first few levels get you familiarized with the physics of the game, where you use your finger to dig tunnels in the earth, allowing water to travel from one place to another. Once the game covers the basics, a lot more starts to get thrown at you.
In addition to water, the game forces you to navigate around/with pools of poison, pools of ooze, bombs, steam, hoses and a few mechanical contraptions (powered by water, steam, etc).
Where’s My Water? is as fun to me as Cut the Rope: both are pretty fantastic games based in physics, and an absolute delight to play.
I know there are iPhone/Android versions of the game, but those all pale in comparison to seeing it on a tablet.
I started the game on Friday, and have been playing it off and on ever since. Despite how much I’ve played it, I’m still not through all the levels. SO much fun – and well worth the 99 cents!
Cut The Rope: Addictive, Perfectly Paced Game For IPhone
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