Dogsitting Tus Over the Weekend

Jake was off this weekend, visiting James and Lisa (and Cameron) in DC. Since he was traveling, we got to look after Tus for a few days.

The first day or so, Tus is always a bit glum. She seems a little listless, and you can’t help but feel she’s missing Jake pretty badly. For a lot of the time, she just kind of stretched out in various spots around the apartment.

Here she is, a bit more relaxed. If you follow any of the related links below, you’ll see how common a pose this is for her.

To give Tus a bit of exercise (since she mostly just sat around our apartment), we went on frequent walks and also played some catch along the boulevard.

Here’s me holding onto a stick, with Tus looking at me with some pretty intense concentration.

Tus, stick in her mouth and looking pretty happy.

On occasion, Tus would get worn out with the back and forth… and kind of just plop onto the ground. In a few rare instances, she’d also flop on her back and kind of slither back and forth, as though she were scratching an itch something fierce. Luckily, I got a bit of it on video:

// Note: I couldn’t post photos of Liz, until her Sew Weekly work was posted. We were also out on a photoshoot for her, and the terms of her participation state that made items can’t be showcased elsewhere, until they appear on the official site.

She was featured yesterday, and has since posted up her photos from the day. You can check them out over on her blog.

Dogsitting Tus
Watching Over Tus
Quincy And Tus Meet For The First Time
Tus The Dog: What’s Yours Is Ours


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