Emmis Interactive @ NAB 2012, Las Vegas

The company I work for, Emmis Interactive, has been hard at work developing a lot of tools for HD Radio. Specifically, Matt, Chris, Allison and Ben have been developing an HD app prototype that’s currently being shown to a lot of broadcasters at the NAB Show, in Las Vegas.

It’s an Android app, currently set up in a handful of phones that have some custom chips installed (which allow them to pull in the HD Radio signal). It was pretty cool to see a small array of smartphones, littered across Allison’s desk, being charged up and prepped for the show.

Lots more info about HD Radio, along with the work our company’s done through a commision from NAB Labs, is available here (along with a preview video of the app in action).

This week, Deb, Rey, Chris C, Ben and Chris are all in attendance at NAB 2012. Here are some photos they sent from the road:

Rey and Chris, setting up the booth. Note that all the super awesome graphical elements you see are courtesy of Jane.

Ben and Rey, checking out the various HD dashboards on display.

Chris C, Chris and Ben, Monday morning before the crowds arrive.

Press conference in effect. Our CEO, Jeff Smulyean, looking on.

Rey, talking to the crowd.

Larger shot of the booth.

More info on our website, as well as us getting a nice mention from NAB’s Daily News.

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