Mother’s Day at the I-80 Flea Market
For Mother’s Day, Liz and I woke up early and made our way to the I-80 Flea Market in Tinley Park. This is the flea that Liz’s mom goes to, but it’s a bit of a hike for us (as we typically go to Wolff’s Flea Market, up in Rosemont).
A view of the flea grounds, on walking in through the front gate.
One strategy for selling your stuff: forego organization, and let your customers root through things. This particular vendor had a huge throng of people, looking through all the boxes. A very interesting approach that seemed to work well.
One way to find what you’re looking for? Make sure everyone knows.
A pachinko machine! Love spotting these guys – reminded me of the machine I spotted last year at the Vintage Bazaar, in Chicago.
I totally had this book, growing up as a kid. In fact, I’m pretty sure it’s still in my bedroom, back in Indianapolis.
A rather interesting/disturbing display of Speer bullets.
It’s blurred in my memories, but we either had this game or my friend Aaron had this. I don’t remember the uber-dated nature of the cover… but I totally remember loving this game.
Of note: the disembodied head of Lucille Ball, giving her stamp of approval.
I remember being a library page when I was in college, at the Monroe County Public Library in Bloomington, IN. The automative repair manual section was always in disarray, and if memory serves… these books were always around 626.
Another pachinko machine! I think the universe is trying to tell me something here.
I wandered around the grounds for a while with Bob. The parking lot is located near a pretty huge field, with the occasional wooden structure. We were never quite able to determine what these guys were for – they look like wooden steps leading up to a platform. My best guess was that they were for hunting, but that didn’t seem to make sense – placed out in the middle of an open field like that.
Guessing that due to the transparent nature of the exterior, this was a prison TV used by someone who was incarcerated.
Liz and Julie, making the rounds, checking things out.
It’s ME! And I’m petrified with fear of MYSELF!
I totally wish I had a use for smoething like this, because $5.00 seems entirely reasonable for a welder’s mask.
Apparently, I was in the helmet aisle.
Full set of ‘N Sync dolls.
One guy had this awesome sign near his area. I overheard him talking to a few other guys, and the best offer he’d gotten so far was something like $1,500. I’m guessing if you could sell each car for $1, the whole thing would be worth $4,000… but it would just a long time to see all that money.
Wolff’s Flea Market: Ventriloquism, Marriage Kits, And The Best Kid’s Toy I’ve Ever Seen
Meeting Joan And Bob At Wolff’s Flea Market
Vintage Bazaar, Pilsen
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