Goodbye, Bee

Hard to believe how much time has passed, but after almost six years… Nattaporn (Bee) is venturing out, starting a new job as a web developer with Charles Schwab.

Bee was very subdued in her exit, and me, Justin and Chris ended up running out to catch her, as she was saying her goodbyes.

L to R it’s Justin, Bee, Chris and Shailesh.

Bee is one of the old schoolers, and she’s been with the company through a lot of phases. She was with us back at the Mart, in our second space… and was part of the group that moved to our most recent space.

Looking back, six years seems like such a long time ago… and also a blink of an eye. Funny how time gets like that.

Goodbye Bee, and good luck!

Eeryone, Meet Nattaporn

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