You Are Beautiful: New Site Redesign
Found out over the weekend that the You Are Beautiful project website got a nice redesign. There are a ton more photo galleries added, and lots of shared photographs to explore.
Users can now sign up and register to be part of the site, and interact more with the content. A neat feature is a global map, allowing folks to upload and tag their own photos of the project in the wild. So far I’ve seen a few mentions of stickers in Russia, Belgium, Holland, Ireland… it’s pretty awesome.
Swing by, learn a little bit about the project, and maybe request some stickers and help spread the word.
I found my first sticker back in 2002. And though I was worried it was some kind of promotional campaign, I’m happy those fears were unfounded, and the project is what I hoped it was: a message of positivity.
It’s one of my favorite projects I’ve come across in Chicago, and I’m delighted to see how much of a global reach it has. It’s been a source of inspiration for me, and was a part of what inspired the A Poem From Us project… and it’s just a great message, overall. I remember how much it took me out of my daily routine, the first few times I encountered the sticker… and I want other people to have that feeling.
You are beautiful. It is a true thing, and it is worth spreading.
You Are Beautiful, First Sighting (2002)
You Are Beautiful Show: Current/Proposed Works, 2003
You Are Beautiful:
You Are Beautiful: 1/Quarterly, 2004
You Are I Am: Ideotech
You Are I Am: Flash/Photography Project
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