Mandatory Fun: Game 4 (and the Most Amazing Winning Run, Ever)
For our fourth game, we had a good showing of folks: Roshan, Mike, Shailesh, Noami, Meagan, AJ, Kashif, Christine, Siraj and Chris.
We had a few folks missing – notably Tim, who’s usually the one that sets up the roster, and someone we look to for guidance on the field. In his absence, Chris did a great job of stepping up… helping direct people to their positions. And Mike/Kashif helped out, serving as coaches on 1st and 3rd when we were up at bat.
We played a team called Ball So Hard. Both teams scored a few runs in the early innings, and we got to a 5-3 lead that we maintained, for much of the game. I’m happy to report that I was able to contribute a solo home run to the score. Surprised? You and me both.
Siraj, getting ready at the plate. Little would he know that his actions, many innings later, would prove crucial to the outcome of the game.
AJ’s husband Jason and son Mason, standing by in support. On more than one occasion, Mason called out “Let’s Go, Mommy” – to the delight of everyone within earshot.
So something happened near the 5th innning. The other team had two people on base, and the person up at the plate just belted the crap out of the ball. It was a harder kick than we’d seen the entire game, and got further to the outfield than expected. By the time we got the ball back in our hands, they were already rounding the bases.
Bringing the score in their favor, 5-6. We held on for the next two innings, and I think it was in the bottom of the 7th when something absolutely amazing happened. Here’s the situation.
Noami is on 2nd. Siraj is on 1st. We have one out, with Roshan up at the plate. We’re down by one, so one run ties it and two wins it. And this is what happened:
This was the most amazing play! Siraj, diving back and clawing at the plate… and getting there, a split-second before the ball beans him in the head. And with that touch of home plate, he took Noami’s tying run and put us over the top… to win the game. An amazing kick by Roshan, and just a stellar play by everyone involved.
This one’s going down in the Emmis Interactive history books.
Mandatory Fun: Game 3
Mandatory Fun: Game 2
Mandatory Fun: Kickball Practice Session
Emmis the Menace: Kickball Season, 2011
Amazing! Incredible! High drama! Excellent performance out there by everyone on the team. That was a super (mandatory) fun game.
Chris (July 19, 2012 at 9:53 am)Freaking amazing!
Ben (July 19, 2012 at 12:14 pm)What a nice victory! You all do us proud.
Letty (July 19, 2012 at 12:34 pm)I seriously never tire of watching this. Roshan’s kick, Siraj’s dive back to the plate and then Roshan’s celebratory jump/high-five/leg kick was priceless. Wish I could have witnessed it first-hand. Good luck next game and congrats Felix on your round-tripper.
Dan (July 19, 2012 at 3:13 pm)