Pick Up the Phone: Bored Street Art Installation, Logan Square
Spotted this near Dunlays and (what used to be the location for) Barbara & Barbara. Liz and I must have missed this on our way to Lula Cafe for breakfast, but spotted it as we were walking back home.
Of course, it was irresistible and I had to pick up the phone for a listen. What I heard was an endless loop of Whoomp! There It Is, playing over and over again.
Near the bottom of the piece, there’s a phone number: 773.669.8873. I’m going to leave it a mystery, and let you find out on your own what happens, when you call.
Loving all the random stuff from Bored that’s been popping up around our neighborhood. I’m a fan of stencils and stickers and things wheat-pasted to the walls, but these larger pieces are just a lot of fun to encounter. First signs, then dice you can pick up and roll… now this. The work seems to be getting more and more interactive.
Large “Monopoly” Property: Logan Boulevard, Not For Sale
Bored: Chicago Dice, Logan Square
Large “Monopoly” Community Chest Cards And Dice, Logan Square
Large “Monopoly” Chance Cards, Logan Square
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