I Dreamt About Code Last Night
Lately, I’ve been ignoring the blog a lot and focusing mostly on a new side project idea. I take it as a good sign when this happens, as I usually get sucked into projects I like… and promptly lose focus on everything else.
Last night, I remember part of my dream involved WordPress code. I don’t consider myself to have super strong HTML/CSS/PHP chops… but I know enough to be dangerous, and to eventually find my way. Of late I’ve been doing a lot more with child themes, getting fancier with custom JS and PHP, and am working on my first ever WordPress Multisite. Very exciting.
Nothing to show just yet, but hopefully soon. A lot of the heavy lifting is done, and a majority of what remains is largely cosmetic.
Funny thing – whenever I start new projects, I get super excited. And then about 40% of the way in, I hesitate and begin to doubt. I worry that no one else will find the project of interest, and begin to question whether I should even complete the darn thing.
Sometimes, projects just tank at this point. I get discouraged, I get distracted… if something gets put aside during this time, it’s likely to stay sidelined for a good while. But if I’m lucky, a bit of time will go by… I’ll get excited by the project again, and I pick back up like nothing ever happened.
I think I’m maybe 80% of the way there on this one. In the past few weeks, this project has been pretty much all I’ve been doing in my spare time. I guess, at the end of each day, when you find yourself wanting more hours in the day… it must mean you’re on the right track.
Thanks for indulging my vague ramblings. Will share more as soon as it’s ready, I promise.
Keep going, Felix! We want to see it. And it might turn out to be as popular as your Pi project. You never know. Regardless, you’ll have made something that doesn’t exist right now. And that in itself is pretty cool.
juliet (September 10, 2012 at 12:57 am)