Remember Tom Ranken: A Large and Lovable Personality

Recently, I saw this Flickr image posted up by Diarmid Mogg (someone I follow on Twitter, ever since I learned about his Small Town Noir project).

The gravestone has been a favorite of Diarmid’s, and only recently has the Internet shed some light as to who Tom Ranken really was.

I found the story to be quite an interesting one… and was moved to create this blog post – if for no other reason than to have an additional pointer out there on the Internet, linking to this photo. I figure, if anyone is searching… perhaps they’ll find this blog post, and find their way back to Diarmid’s photo.

Think of this as my way of helping to remember Tom Ranken.

PS: There are lots of fun images in Diarmid’s Flickr stream. In particular, his shots of The Burry Man are totally fascinating.

[CC photo via angus mcdiarmid]

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