EI Happy Hour
Got an invite to join some old work folks for a happy hour, at the old office. With the Marketron acquisition of Emmis Interactive… it’s left two different groups, working for two different companies, sharing the same space. But with the happy hour, both groups got together to hang out at the tail end of a Friday.
Buying some beer and heading downtown near COB on Friday… it felt a little strange. Most of the folks I saw on the CTA were coming home, after a day/week at their jobs. Me? I was unemployed, heading downtown to drink with people I used to work with at my old office. Kind of funny.
I showed up a little late, but got to see Ben, Chris, Justin, Meagan, AJ, Siraj, Christine, Walt, Matt M, Chris R, and Utopia. Caught up a little, and it was great seeing so many familiar and smiling faces again.
As the day closed, a few people splintered off – leaving a handful of us still chatting and sinking beers. L to R it’s Justin, AJ, me, and Chris (photos thanks to Meagan).
We ended up taking the Blue Line over to Wicker Park, and got a table at Rodan. Had a few more drinks and some dinner (lots of Ramen on the table), and called it a night around 10PM or so. Apparently, when I’m drunk… I’m really, really interested in smoking cigarettes. Despite some attempts at peer pressure, where I was leaning on AJ and Justin a bit), there was no smoking to be had. Which in hindsight, was a good thing.
Fun evening, catching up with old friends.
Goodbye, Emmis Interactive
Half-Day Friday, Post-Work Drinks
I still dream about smoking. The dreams are so real, when I wake up, I am filled with remorse and I cough a lot.
Juliet (November 15, 2012 at 7:59 pm)