Baxter and Quincy Explore the Outdoors for the First Time
We spent Thanksgiving in Frankfort with Julie and Bob, and since we were there for a few days… we ended up bringing Baxter and Quincy along. There was a warm room in the basement where Julie has her plants, and so that ended up being the perfect spot for them. But before we transferred them inside, it was warm enough that we decided to give them a bit of time outside, in the yard.
As a general note, Liz has been wanting to do this for a while with the buns now. We haven’t let them loose in our courtyard (in Chicago) for fear that there might be chemicals or something on the grass. But the backyard in Frankfort was fine – so we fenced off an area for them to roam around.
I should say that I was against doing this. Mostly because I’m a worrywart. In my head, I imagined them either jumping over the fence, somehow knocking it over, or otherwise getting loose in some way. And after that, they’d be gone and beyond reach.
I also had an irrational fear that some kind of hawk would show up, swoop down, and grab one of them off for dinner. God help me if I ever have children, because I think I’d just become paralyzed with “what-if” scenarios, and never let them out of my sight.
Ultimately, everything was fine. But I ended up standing guard the whole time, as though something horrible were going to happen the second I dropped my guard.
Baxter and Quincy, tucked away in their carrier. We’ve travelled with them in a variety of ways, but we heard that keeping rabbits close together (aka in the same carrier) is more of a comfort to them.
For the first five minutes, neither bunny budged. Baxter stuck her head out, but only enough to nibble on some grass. She stayed inside (and pretty much blocked Quincy from getting out).
A larger shot of the pen area. Of course Quincy, being the fearless one, ventured out fully first.
Closeup of Quincy, checking out the lawn.
Eventually, both of them came outside and wandered around. For a good 30+ minutes, Liz brought them all sorts of veggies from Julie’s garden. The rabbits got to eat some brussels sprout leaves, celery tops, and lots and lots of grass.
Despite my overly crazy concerns, I’m glad they got the chance to check out some real grass for a change. I think they enjoyed themselves, but from my vantage point… I don’t know if it registered for them that they were outside. The way they kept eating, it looked as though they thought they were sitting on the world’s biggest salad.
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