Isaac Newton vs. Rube Goldberg
Another fun Rube Goldberg machine, from 2D House.
What must it be like, I wonder, to make these types of machines for a living? Seems like it would be tedious and exhilarating, in equal measure. Although, now that I write that out – maybe make it 97% tedious, and 3% exhilarating.
After watching the video the first time, I thought I had the whole thing figured out. But now I’m not so sure. There are some shenanigans that are happening around the 0:17 mark.
Fucking magnets, how do they work?
[via MetaFilter]
Photography-Based, Multi-Room Rube Goldberg
NeoCube and BuckyBalls: Tiny Magnets, Huge Fun
American Juggalo: Documentary on “The Gathering of the Juggalos”
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