Sim City Available for PCs, Mac Version Arriving in Spring

Apparently, I signed up to be notified when Sim City would be for sale. And it turns out, today’s the day! Well… for PC users, anyhow.

The email notification got me looking around a bit more on EA’s site, and got me pretty excited. I remembered watching some in-game video a while back… and now, I’m just wishing they’d hurry up and make the game available for Mac users. Ah well, I guess it’s a long wait until Spring.

Here’s what the game looks like:

If you’re curious to see more, there are additional videos over at the Sim City website.

Now that I’ve got a decent machine that can play games like this, I’m itching to get a copy. Might need to get a bit more memory, but I’ve been looking for an excuse to do so.

For someone who’s really guarded about where his time goes, this game threatens to eat up a lot of free time. But I still want to play it! It’s a dangerous road to go down, but I think it’ll be fine. Especially if I improve the road over time, and add some Commercial buildings to the area to attract tourism, maybe open a casino…

The Night Gets Better, Both Truly and Virtually

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Why is this game so fun? I watch the video and want to just play. EA really should’ve taken a page out of the Blizzard release hand book and make both PC and Mac available. They must not like money fast :)

    JustinSid Reply

    • I guess the upside is that it’s a full on Mac version, and not a port. But yeah, after watching a few videos it’s hard not to want to start building away.

      Also: related PA comic.

      avoision Reply

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