Cream Off 2013: A New Workplace, A New Challenge

I’ve kept pretty quiet about my new job on the blog, mostly because I’m still a contractor… and it seemed like a good separation to have. I had a great deal of latitude at my old job, and still being mostly new here I’m uncertain where the lines are between what’s acceptable and what warrants a call to HR.

But a recent event has made me break that separation, if just for a little while. Two coworkers (Alex and our boss Ann) got into a discussion a few weeks ago about who could consume the most milk. They went back and forth a few times, with the subject matter shifting from milk to heavy cream to butter. I think they landed on Half and Half, but I’m not 100% on this.

Anyhow – there’s been a great deal of trash talking, from both sides. And a verbal challenge has existed now for some time, to see which one of them can consume the most milk in a given amount of time.

In his off hours, another coworker (Luke) created a design for the contest (not sure who originally coined the name, but it’s stuck). And when he revealed the image to everyone today, the room got instantly quiet… it was like you could hear a brick dropping into a glove.

Oh man, things just got real.

I love the fact that both milk cartons are anthropomorphic representations. There’s something silly and slightly unsettling about one milk carton devouring another, and I love it. To me, the only way this design gets any better is if the larger milk carton has a “Have you seen me?” message painted on his side, depicting a photo of the smaller milk carton he’s consuming.

So far, there’s no specific date set yet… but you can sense that things are circling closer and closer. Still a lot of deatils to be worked out, but I’m hoping they end up using SpitShake to generate an official contract for this thing.

The challenge is going to be awesome… and pretty messy, I’m guessing. In my mind, I’m imagining the drinking contest that’s featured at the beginning of Raiders of the Lost Ark.

PS: You can check out more of Luke’s work on his website.

Early Morning Anthropomorphism
Starting A New Job for the First Time in a Decade

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