The Dude Abides
Spotted this guy downtown on Friday morning. Looking at his profile from the back, I imagined him to be some kind of drug runner, given the pony tail and shirt. But it was that bag – the faded, leather bag at his side. I mean, look at that thing! Doesn’t that scream Hey, I’m going to make a quick dropoff at the train station?
Although, looking at this photo now… I’m imagining this guy to be more of a Chicago-based version of The Dude, from The Big Lebowski. Rather than drugs, that bag is just his bowling ball. And while the rest of us are heading to our regular, workaday jobs… he’s heading off to the lanes, where he’ll roll and have a few White Russians in between sets.
Rocky Salemmo: The Bowler
Bowling with the Beesons: Annual Christmas Gathering at Frankfort Bowl
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