Logan Square Farmer’s Market 2013: First Day, Bell Ringing
Found out that this weekend was the first day of the Logan Square Farmer’s Market. When it’s running, this has been a Sunday tradition for me and Liz. Sometimes we’ll stroll through after a brunch out at Lula Cafe; othertimes, we’ll have a late breakfast made of things we’d grab at a few different booths.
We’re incredibly spoiled living where we do, as this thing is literally a block away from our front door.
This year, as we were milling around while vendors were still setting up… we found out that people weren’t allowed to sell anything until 10:00 AM. In the past, we were able to buy things from some vendors who were already set up, but it seems like this year… everyone’s got to adhere to the same hours of operation.
As it was close to 10, I hung around the bell figuring I’d capture the first ring, on the first day of 2013.
Liz, on our way home, with an iced chai latte in one hand, and a bouquet of lilacs in the other.
Ah, Logan Square – what a great neighborhood. What’s a total bummer is that since we started to seriously begin our search to buy a house, it’s been pretty slim pickings in the Logan Square and Avondale area. Either properties are way out of our price range, or they get snapped up by cash offers in the blink of an eye.
We’re fortunate to be right on the boulevard itself, but in terms of buying a place that’s right on the boulevard? Forgetaboutit.
Days like today remind us how totally spoiled we are, living where we do.
Logan Square Farmers Market, First Day, 2010
Logan Square Farmers Market, 2008
Mike’s “Ring the Bell” Party, Columbus, OH (2005)
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