Broken Car Window, Redux

On Thursday evening, when Liz went out to the car, she discovered that someone had broken into our car. Or, more accurately, someone had broken our rear passenger side window. Looks like nothing was taken from inside – no change, no nothing.

Much like the last time this happened, the only thing that happened was the window being broken. Unlike last time, the car wasn’t parked in back (which is kind of away from the main road).

This time around, we were parked in the first spot on Logan, right at the SW corner of Logan and Sacramento. There’s a stoplight on the corner, along with a big street light – we couldn’t ask for a better location, in terms of lighting and visibility. But for whatever reason, someone decided to give our window a bit of a tap.

For the record, we went back to Aaron Auto Glass for the repairs, and got a used window for around $60. It’s nice to have a go-to place for this sort of thing, but not really wanting to go back there anytime soon, if you know what I mean.

A running tally of car and vehicle-related stuff that’s happened in Chicago:

September, 2002: Someone barfs on my car door.
October, 2003: Apartment broken into.
July, 2004: Windshield wipers stolen.
July, 2005: Car window broken, radio stolen.
Summer, 2005: Liz’s scooter is stolen (but then later recovered).
September, 2005: Someone tries to write “Ho’s” on my car, but ends up writing “Hoe’s”.
July, 2006: Liz’s Car is stolen.
July, 2006: Liz’s car is recovered in an alley.
July, 2010: Liz’s scooter is stolen… again.
August, 2012: Driver’s side window broken.

The Day Starts Off… Poorly
Broken Car Window, Repaired at Aaron Auto Glass

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