Et Tu, Sim City?

I lost a lot of time this weekend (and I mean a lot of time) to SimCity 2013. I was never very good at the game, but playing it again now so many years later… the same little attention to details sucked me in. I never know how much I liked simulations like this, as it’s one part terrarium and one part god complex, I suppose.

A sign of a good game is that time passes without you realizing. I found myself thinking “Oh, I’ll just finish X and be done,” and another hour will have melted by. With so many different strategies and buildings to discover/create… it’s going to be a long time before I feel like I’ve exhausted this game. I was a little wary about spending the money for this latest incarnation of SimCity, but it’s definitely well worth it.

Happy they decided to include the Sears Tower, but sad to see it’s referred to as “Willis Tower.” Boo.

Sim City Available for PCs, Mac Version Arriving in Spring

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