Glitch Releases All Artwork and Code to the Public Domain

The awesomely fun and now shuttered game Glitch has just released all its code and artwork into the public domain. Though it’s a shame the game isn’t around anymore, what a cool thing for them to do.

Since the game was Flash-based, there are a ton of .fla and .swf files to look through (which, incidentally, was a kind of in-joke in the game to boot). Haven’t had a chance to sift through these yet, but there’s a ton.

Oh Glitch – what a fun, quirky, imaginative little game you were. I’m happy to be reminded of this game, and sad that it’s not around anymore. It really had such great potential.

[via @simurai]

Sad News: Glitch is Closing
Glitch: Rook Attack
Glitch: Waiting for the World to End
Glitch: Browser-Based Game of Exploration And… Pig Petting

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