Sunday Work Day at the House
Spent Sunday with Liz, Bob and Julie, working on the house. We’ve transported our kitchen table over, and it’s fast becoming the centerpiece of the entire place.
An old GM pamphlet that Liz and Julie found when they cleaned the attic last week.
I’m not exactly sure who the pamphlet is aiming to reach, or what it’s purpose is… but a lot of it seems to focus on living life, post-retirement. I really need to scan the whole thing and share it on here.
Liz came up with a pretty ingenious way to dry out her gloves (which she’d been using to strip all the paint from the wood trim).
Not to be outdone, I have a shot of my jazz work hands.
When Bob and Julie showed up, they brought a ton of stuff with them – in particular these incredibly powerful lights. It’s like having a mini-sun in the room.
We also got some scaffolding, which will help in reaching the tops of the doors and windows.
Stripping paint has its dangers – the primary one being splinters that find their way through latex gloves. Here Liz is receiving some emergency splinter removal surgery from Bob (aka Dr. Robusto Bean).
A note on the alias: in high school, Liz needed a doctor’s note to say that she was ok to participate in marching band. Rather than pay for a doctor’s appointment, they decided that Bob would just fake a note, signing the forms “Dr. Robert Beeson.”
But because Liz couldn’t read Bob’s handwriting, she interpreted the signature as “Dr. Robusto Bean.” And from that day onward, the good doctor has always come to the rescue.
Today being no exception.
A Day at the House: Attic Cleaning, Reinforced Doors, and a Stereoscope Viewer
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