Gaki No Tsukai: Wall of Boxes

Happened to be browsing around YouTube this AM, and came across a fantastic video featuring several guys, suspended on top of what looks like 3 stories of colored, cardboard boxes. The game is pretty straight-forward: each participant selects a number from a board, and behind each number is a particular “punishment” – usually something that involves the potential for their boxes to be removed/destroyed. As you can imagine, hilarity ensues.

This is such a Japanese concept, and it’s just fantastic and mesmerizing to watch. I began thinking “What the heck is this?” and found myself unable to turn away. We continue to be so very behind the Japanese in their TV show concepts.

In doing a bit of digging, I found that this is part of a show called Gaki No Tsukai. The Silent Library clip I found way back in 2006 is from the same show (no surprise, as the “whip machine” from this clip looked remarkably familiar to me).

Amazing that this show has been on since 1989, and celebrated its 1,000th episode in 2010. There’s a subreddit on the show, where you can find more clips/info.

Gaki No Tsukai: Silent Library

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