Birthday Drinks at Parlare

On Friday, Liz organized a small gathering of friends to meet up over some food and drinks, and to help me celebrate my birthday. We met up at a place called Parlare, which was a small, hidden little bar located in the basement of Letizia’s Fiore in Logan Square (on California).

Hanging out with the early arrivers – L to R it’s Justin, Meg, and Liz.

I found out about this place through Justin, when he suggested we come here to grab a drink maybe a week and a half ago. It’s a great, intimate little spot that very few people seem to know of in the neighborhood.

When we were here that first time, we were the only two in the entire space for a good while. If you’re in Logan Square, this is a fantastic, hidden little spot (and also really great for small parties).

A bit later on in the evening – I didn’t take a ton of photos, as I was too busy enjoying the drinks and the company. It wasn’t an overly large party, but the space and size seemed just about perfect.

It’s been a busy few months for me and Liz, with the house, and with getting things ready for our move. So I’ve been even more of a homebody than I normally am… but tonight was a great chance to see so many wonderful people that I am very lucky to call friends.

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