Basement Demo, Part 3

Long day of basement work with Bob today. Though Liz and I did some work yesterday, we still had tons to do today.

Bob, taking out a lot of the old cast iron pipes – which my head is thankful about. We’re saving an easy $200 on future aspirin purchases, by doing this. At this point, all the water was shut off.

Bob busting up the clay tile. Effectively at this point, we no longer had any ability to use the bathrooms.

The slow (and smelly) process of moving out all the pieces of clay tile, outside.

Digging out the sand from where the pipes were, and trenching things for the newer pipe.

After we finished inside, we went outside to remove all the gutter drain pipes from their original configurations. They were all piped directly into the house’s main waste line.

We took all of them out, and cemented over the pipes leading down through the sidewalks, driveways, and foundation. A temporary fix for now, but we’ll be removing these permanently in the future.

A view of the back basement area. To the left is where the utility sink used to be (it’s on the right there, standing on its side). Against the far wall is where our washer and dryer will be. One of these days.

A long expanse, where the main waste line used to be.

Our crazy and crazy old main water line. It’s lead, and fairly fragile… and something we’re looking to replace as soon as we can.

More dirt. We had a lot more to remove… and it’s all being stored, temporary, in the basement. Things are really quite full down here, once more.

Some lengths of PVC, which we’ll be using to replace a lot of the old cast iron.

Another view of the pit in the basement. That’s a lot of space that used to be filled with dirt and sand!

Bob, measuring out some spots on the back wall.

Long, long day – made a little longer by the fact that we were all trying not to drink any liquids (since we had no operational bathrooms in the house). We took a break around 4PM, and downed a lot of water and soda (and a late lunch made entirely of chips and salsa).

Digging in the Basement, Continued
Digging a Very Large Hole in the Basement

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