Happy 103rd Birthday, Grandma Phoebe
For Grandma Phoebe’s birthday, we all gathered at a nearby Chinese restaurant for our celebratory meal. I guess I’ve gotten used to not having our own restaurant to go to, each year… but I kind of miss that. Ever since the Golden Dragon closed down (the restaurant my parents owned/ran, for most of my formative years)… going to other Chinese restaurants always feels like going to someone else’s house for a party.
Suitably though, the restaurant we were at had a stage (which some of the nieces and nephews loved), and had a good open area for photographs (and gifts).
Lots of family/friends showed up, to wish grandma Phoebe well.
There is always a line of Chinese paparazzi, ready to take pictures when my grandma takes the stage.
My cousin Jenny, with her camera. I take a photo of her taking a photo each year. And I think this year, she took a photo of me doing the same.
We hated all the organized photo sessions, growing up. And to find ourselves doing this as adults is kind of funny. I think she feels the same as I do – a part of us loves documenting all the family gatherings, and a part of us secretly hates ourselves for what we’ve become.
Grandma Phoebe, center stage.
Grandma Phoebe at the main table, next to my Uncle Benny.
A lot of the cousins, gathered around Grandma Phoebe and her two cakes. That’s right – two cakes. Because when you’re 103, a single cake isn’t enough.
Grandma Phoebe with some of the grand grand-kids. A few moments after this, Mia would give grandma Pheobe a small high five.
This year, things were a little different at the celebration. I got word from my mom and dad that Grandma seemed to be struggling with her memory, and with recognizing people. Most of us were prepared for this, but I know that the few times I went up to her… I’m not sure if she recognized me or not.
Throughout the evening, I saw her light up at several moments. She enjoyed her birthday cake candles and being around the great-grandkids. And when very old friends came up to her to pay their respects, I saw a very obvious/genuine reaction to her seeing them.
A hundred and three years is a long time. I’m glad that, even though Grandma Phoebe’s memory seemed to come and go… when she remembered someone, be it an old friend or a family member… her face lit up, and she was all smiles. She absolutely beamed.
Happy 100th Birthday, Grandma Phoebe!
Happy 101st Birthday, Grandma Phoebe – Part 1
Happy 102nd Birthday, Grandma Phoebe – Part 1
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