The Work Day Starts Early, on a Good Day
Been trying to get up early these last few weeks, as I’m in the home stretch of launching a new project. I was hoping to launch this week, but I’ve got some more polish and tweaking to do yet. It’s been very exciting and fulfilling, and I’m really looking forward to sharing this one.
I’ve taken to getting up early in the mornings, just to get a little more coding time in. Which to me is always a good sign, as my natural tendency is to stay in bed.
On a good day, my feet will hit the ground around 5:30 AM – a time when the house is still dark, and I have to use the light of my phone to navigate the stairs. I’m very much not a morning person, but when a project takes hold of me… I become one.
Anywhere I can grab a little more time to work is fine by me. And the early mornings are generally the best place to go where nothing else really competes for your time. Save for sleep.
More very soon, I hope.
What Time Do You Wake Up?
Wakey Wakey: My Brief Appearance in Chicago’s RedEye
December Insomnia
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