Groove is in the Heart: A Microplay About Love, Loss, and Mixtapes
Groove is in the Heart is a microplay, produced by the Guardian and the Royal Court Theatre.
This video really got me thinking about mixtapes again. Hearing some of the songs in the video brought back a very strong sense of nostalgia. Even though they weren’t necessarily songs I actively liked or listened to, they very much brought back a sense of being a teenager again.
Note: I must be incredibly thick, because I first watched this video in the early morning. And then again later in the day, when I was writing the post. I totally missed the voice from outside the room (3:48) on my first viewing. This is a markedly different video from the one I saw, earlier in the day.
[via MetaFilter]
I’m in a Book! Cassette From My Ex: Stories and Soundtracks of Lost Loves
1980’s Cassette Mixtape as YouTube Playlist
Felix + Dzintra + Queensrÿche
Felix, could we have a bunny update? I’m wondering how they’ve been doing with all the home tear-down & repair.
Juliet (November 24, 2014 at 12:31 am)Sorry for the delayed reply here, Juliet. Yes, I can do a bunny update.
Saw this comment come in right when we first arrived in Arizona, and it kind of disappeared in my Inbox. I’ll try to post up something soon.
avoision (December 5, 2014 at 2:51 pm)